Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Advanced LA: Scene Reading Questions

To ensure everyone has access to your reading questions, you must do the following:

1. Sign into your Google Drive account and create a new document.
2. Name your document "Scene ___."  Fill in the appropriate scene number for your group.
3. Type the questions AND answers for your scene.
4. Click the blue "Share" button near the top right of the screen.
5. Where it says, "Who has access," click "Change."
6.  Then, click "Anyone with Link."
7.  Next, click the green "Save" button.
8.  Copy the provided link.
9.  Paste this link under the corresponding Edmodo post so all of your classmates can access the questions.


Homework for Wednesday, December 12th 2012

Language Arts:  Finish Scene 2 questions from A Christmas Carol if you did not finish them in class.  Also, study for your vocabulary quiz.

Advanced Language Arts:  Work on group project.  Also, begin studying for your vocabulary quiz.


Use the resources below to study for your vocabulary quiz on Thursday:

Friday, December 7, 2012

Homework for Friday, December 7th

If you did not finish your vocabulary context sentences for A Christmas Carol, they are due on Monday.  Enjoy the weekend!

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Homework for Thursday, December 6th

Don't forget to study for the Jackie Robinson test! Also, if you have not turned in your book project yet, it is due tomorrow!

Advanced LA - List 12: New Words to Know

Use the resources below to study for your List 12 Vocabulary Quiz!  Good luck!

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Homework for Tuesday, December 4th

Just a reminder, the homework tonight is to finish "The Noble Experiment" reading questions that we started in class today.  Have a terrific Tuesday!

Monday, December 3, 2012

Enrichment Opportunity

Enrichment OpportunityBiography Book Report       

To earn up to 10 bonus points, turn in a video of yourself taking on the role of the person you read about in your biography.

1      In the video you must:

·         Dress like the person you read about.  Use details and graphic aids from the biography to determine what the person would look like.

2        In the video, choose one or any combination of the following:

o   Act out scenes from a day in the life of the person you read about, adding commentary when necessary.

o   Give a speech from the perspective of the person you read about that reflects either what the person accomplished, what is important to the person, or what message you think the person would like to send to society based on the details you read in the biography.

o   Participate in an interview, playing the role of the person you read about and answering the questions the way you think the person would have answered based on what you read.

o   Create a mini documentary about the person that highlights the most important moments in the person’s life based on what you read in the biography.  You play the role of the person you read about.

*IMPORTANT:  If you read about a person that is notorious, or well-known for a negative reason, your options for the video are more limited, and you must discuss it with me first.

There are not length requirements, but a suggested time would be 3-5 minutes.  To turn in this enrichment project, you must put it on a disk or upload it to SchoolTube and provide me with the link.

The project is due when you return from holiday break on Wednesday, January 2nd 2013.

I am so excited to see your videos!  Remember, I expect great things from you!