Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Advanced Language Arts - A Christmas Carol Performances

As part of a unit on A Christmas Carol Advanced Language Arts students worked in groups to complete a number of tasks, including a scene performance.  Catch a glimpse of the performances by watching the video below!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Extra Practice with Drama

To study the drama terms, to learn to recognize the difference between dialogue and monologue and to better understand the purpose of stage directions, complete the online tutorial below.

Click HERE for extra practice with drama!

Monday, December 12, 2011


We are starting a unit on A Christmas Carol, and we will be working on it up until Christmas break.  Use the link below to play "Word Fetch," an online vocabulary game with the words for this story!


Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Enrichment Opportunity

As an enrichment opportunity for up to 5 bonus points, complete one of the project options involving Jackie Robinson listed on the linked assignment sheet.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

A Wrinkle in Time Think-Tac-Toe

Students in Advanced Language Arts read the Newbery Award winning novel A Wrinkle in Time and completed activities from a think-tac-toe student choice project.   Students were able to choose from nine options, each of which was based on one of Gardner's Multiple Intelligences.  Photographs of some of the projects are below.  Other projects included movie trailers for the book as well as additional musical performances based on events in the novel.  I am very proud of my students for all of their hard work!

Great diorama Rylee!
Very creative Ashley!
Great performances gentlemen!
Well-done Rachel!
Awesome interpretation of the scene Kripa!
Well-done Alyssa!

Accurate depiction of this scene Cameron!
Creative and beautifully done Julia!
timeline of story events
Terrific work Jonah!
The music represents the story well Nate!  Great job

Biography/Autobiography Extra Practice

For some extra practice regarding biographies and to help prepare for your test on Friday, December 9th, use the online tutorial below!

Extra Biography Practice